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NHCA E-News - April 2024
NHCA Spring Ignite! Session
Virtual Event - Tuesday, April 30, 2024
1:00 p.m. ET | 12:00 p.m. CT | 11:00 a.m. MT | 10:00 a.m. PT
It’s time to join the NHCA annual Ignite session, a fast-paced virtual event with special highlights from our NHCA annual sponsors!
Please join us to hear exciting updates about new products and services being offered by our NHCA sponsors. NHCA sponsors are leaders in the industry, and you are given this opportunity for a behind-the-scenes look at who they are and what’s new within their company!
Register Here
2024 NHCA/CAOHC Webinar on April 17th Register today! 
Register today for the live webinar: Shifts in Hearing Thresholds: Work Related or Not?

When: April 17, 2024, 5:00pm - 6:00pm Eastern Time
CEUs: 1-hour CEU (AAA) and (0.1 ASHA)
Pricing: $38- NHCA/CAOHC members, others $50
Program Level: Intermediate 

Members receive a discounted rate! This webinar will be recorded.

About the Webinar: In this webinar, two experienced occupational audiologists will describe a standard threshold shift of hearing, as defined by OSHA and the general concept of work-relatedness per OSHA’s record-keeping rules (29 CFR 1904.5). The NHCA Guidelines for Recording Hearing Loss on the OSHA 300 Log (National Hearing Conservation Association, 2011), which provides a guideline for assessing work-relatedness, will be reviewed.  In a question/answer format, frequently asked questions and sample cases will be discussed. An open dialogue on participants’ questions on hearing threshold level shifts and work-relatedness will follow.

Presenters: Marjorie Grantham, Carol Snyderwine

Learning Objectives: 
  1. Define a standard threshold shift (STS) as defined by OSHA.
  2. Describe work-relatedness per OSHA’s record-keeping rules (29 CFR 1904.5).
  3. Describe OSHA’s basis for determining recordability on the OSHA Form 300.
  4. Identify factors which should and should not be considered in determining work-relatedness.
  5. Apply this knowledge in assessing potentially recordable losses.

Cancellation Policy: Webinar purchases are non-refundable.

Register Here
'Hearing is Quality of Life, Part 2' Video Is Now Available!
The second motivational video in the series is available here on the NHCA website! The National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) Hearing Loss Prevention Cross-Sector Council produced this series of videos featuring conversations with noise-exposed workers who have experienced hearing loss and/or tinnitus. These are short motivational videos intended for a lay worker audience to increase awareness and protective behavior. NHCA is exclusively hosting the series. The third video is in development and more participants are needed! If you know anyone (family, friend, colleague) with hearing issues who might be interested in participating, please contact Elizabeth Masterson at [email protected]. It is a very short time commitment and could greatly contribute to our field! Thank you!
Watch Now
Latest NHCA "Listen Up" Column in the Industrial Hygiene in the Workplace (IHW) Magazine 
Every two months, NHCA experts contribute a short article to the IHW Magazine. The latest issue included the NHCA article titled "Safe-In-Sound Award: Real-World Successes in Hearing Loss Protection" by Thais C. Morata (Industrial Hygiene, Current issue), March/April issue, page 18).  
Future and past IHW magazine issues can also be viewed at: E-News will alert you the next time one of our NHCA experts contributes an article. 
Highlighted Articles from International Hearing Protector Fit-testing Symposium
Standards and Regulations for Hearing Protector Fit Testing – Outcomes of the International Hearing Protector Fit-Testing Symposium
Laurie L. Wells, Theresa Y. Schulz, Mohammed Saleem, Sandra Dantscher, Bev Borst, Christian Giguère, Cameron Fackler, William J. Murphy
Journal: Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics
Proc. Mtgs. Acoust. 53, 002001 (2023)
Published: March 2024

Applications of Hearing Protector Fit Testing - Outcomes of the International Hearing Protector Fit-Testing Symposium
William J. Murphy, Wei Gong, Thais C. Morata, Stephanie J. Karch, Melanie E. Hayes
Journal: Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics
Proc. Mtgs. Acoust. 53, 002002 (2023)
Published: March 2024
Recent Hearing Research

Sensitivity of Methods for Diagnosing Noise-Induced Hearing Loss in Cases of Exposures Including Intense Low-Frequency Noise.
Moore BCJ, Cox G.Trends Hear. 2024 Jan-Dec;28:23312165241240353. doi: 10.1177/23312165241240353.PMID: 38545653

Noise-induced Hearing Loss: Continuous versus Impact/impulse Noise.
Davari MH, Jalalian MT, Mirmohammadi SJ, Shojaoddiny-Ardekani A, Ardakani MP, Mehrparvar AH.Int J Prev Med. 2024 Jan 31;15:2. doi: 10.4103/ijpvm.ijpvm_368_21. eCollection 2024.PMID: 38487700 

Effect of Drill Induced Noise on Contralateral Normal Ear Following Cortical Mastoidectomy.
Reddy DSK, Prasad KC.Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2024 Feb;76(1):219-223. doi: 10.1007/s12070-023-04129-x. Epub 2023 Aug 10.PMID: 38440615

A Longitudinal Framework to Describe the Relation Between Age-Related Hearing Loss and Social Isolation.
Motala A, Johnsrude IS, Herrmann B.Trends Hear. 2024 Jan-Dec;28:23312165241236041. doi: 10.1177/23312165241236041.PMID: 38545654

Impact of occupational noise exposure on the hearing level in hospital staffs: a longitudinal study.
Wang TC, Yu YC, Hsu A, Lin JY, Tsou YA, Liu CS, Chuang KJ, Pan WC, Yang CA, Hu SL, Ho CY, Chen TL, Lin CD, Pai PY, Chang TY.Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2024 Mar 4. doi: 10.1007/s11356-024-32747-7. Online ahead of print.PMID: 38436861

Assessing occupational hazards in welding operations: A machine learning-based approach for worker safety in Indian foundries.
Garg M, Das G, Vuppuluri PP.Work. 2024 Feb 27. doi: 10.3233/WOR-230465. Online ahead of print.PMID: 38427526

Sound Postcard

The sound of a healthy coral reef may help heal damaged reefs
We know that healing sounds can be therapeutic to people, animals, and plants.  But how about coral reefs?  A new study shows that playing the sounds associated with a healthy reef in the vicinity of a damaged reef may actually help heal the damage.
Click the picture below or click here to learn more!

Members: Tell Us Your News!
Speaking, publishing, researching, performing, hearing? NHCA would love to hear about exciting changes and achievements in your professional and personal endeavors.
Click here to tell us your news!

Who is NHCA?

We are a group of passionate hearing conservationists willing to share their expertise to prevent hearing loss. NHCA members include occupational and clinical audiologists, industrial hygienists, occupational health nurses, acoustical engineers and technicians, physicians, occupational health and safety professionals, military personnel, university professors, students, researchers and others with an interest in hearing conservation. 

Visit the Virtual Marketplace Year-Round! 

Learn more about NHCA’s sponsors by accessing profiles, videos, and other helpful links here.

Our Vision: To prevent hearing loss and other auditory disorders due to noise and secondary environmental factors in all sectors of society.

Our Mission: NHCA provides leadership, expertise, and education on hearing loss prevention strategies and services to the broader professional community and empowers and supports members through networking and advocacy.

If you are not a member, click here and join today!
- Angela Anderson - Editor

Questions? Contact us at [email protected]