The NHCA Narrative: Bill Murphy

Bill has made his professional home with NHCA.  He has attended NHCA since 1995 and has shared his research findings and professional expertise in both national and international settings.  He has aspired to be a productive member of NHCA. He has served as the guest editor of the NHCA conference proceedings, been involved with developing new standards for hearing protection devices, served on the task force for recreational firearm noise exposure and the task force to develop updated age-adjustment tables for occupational hearing conservation programs. Bill has authored more than one hundred peer-reviewed papers and government publications and given more than 300 conference presentations.  He has received several awards from NHCA, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), and the Acoustical Society of America (ASA).  Bill served as the team leader for the NIOSH Hearing Loss Prevention Team (2004-2015) and as the coordinator for the NIOSH Hearing Loss Prevention Research Program (2015-2022). He was elected as a Fellow of the ASA and has led the development of standards for noise and bioacoustics. In the 2015 NHCA Annual Conference, Bill received NHCA’s prestigious “Outstanding Hearing Conservationist” Award.  On that occasion NHCA recognized the scope of his career that has resulted in such a wide-range of positive applications specific to hearing loss prevention.

When asked to comment:

“I value my experience at the NHCA Annual Conference because it provides the opportunity to connect with my colleagues and to meet new people.  The best opportunities to learn new things and explore cutting edge ideas occur during the Annual Conference through formal and informal discourse.  The camaraderie and friendships you will experience  among this assembly of hearing conservationists is truly the trademark of NHCA’s signature event.

I look forward to the challenges and responsibilities that come with Chairing the  2024 Program for NHCA’s 48th Annual Conference. It is a personal privilege to serve the NHCA in this manner because NHCA has been such a significant part of my experience as a hearing scientist and  hearing conservation professional.  Final selection of those who will be serving with me on this Program Committee is near completion. 

We will be crafting and presenting a finished product worthy of your investment of time and expense  -  a program focused on a common cause, designed to inspire and offer take-away insights  -  within a setting that will continue the benefits of renewing friendships and the discovery of new friends.”