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November 2023
Save the Date for the 2024 Annual Conference!

We hope to see you at the 2024 NHCA Annual Conference February 8-10 in beautiful Albuquerque, New Mexico! 

Learn More & Register Now
Seeking Academic Criteria Reviewers for the Student Tuition Award
The NHCA Scholarship Foundation (NHCASF) is seeking at least 5 active/current NHCA members who are involved with academia to help the NHCASF in developing criteria for the Student Tuition Award (STA). If you are interested, please reach out to Dr. Lynnette Bardolf (NHCASF President) as soon as possible. Please include your name and contact information in the email. Thank you in advance. 
Volunteer Now
Student Research Award Application due December 1, 2023

The Student Research Award (SRA) provides $1,000 to support graduate-student research in hearing conservation/hearing loss prevention, complimentary registration to present the funded research at a future annual NHCA conference, and up to $1,000 for travel expenses. The award is intended to support research studies such as dissertations, theses, or other special projects that are in the planning stages or currently underway. Completed projects are not eligible.

NHCA will select up to two graduate students to receive the SRA. Awardees will be notified by email early in the spring semester. Students must be currently enrolled at an accredited educational institution and studying in a field related to hearing loss prevention or hearing conservation. 

Interested students must submit the online application by the deadline, December 1, 2023.

Learn More & Submit Application
Don't Miss Out! Register Today for the Live Webinar: Considerations When Selecting Hearing Protection for Hearing-Critical Tasks
CAOHC and NHCA have teamed up to offer high-level webinar content on hot topics, with top-notch speakers!
When:  November 16, 2023 2:00PM - 3:00PM ET
CEUs: 1-hour CEU (AAA ) and (0.1 ASHA) 
Pricing: $38 – NHCA/CAOHC members, $50

About the Webinar: Functional hearing is critical for many tasks in the military and public safety where performance impacts could have life-threatening consequences. However, many of these occupations also involve frequent exposure to harmful noise. Ideally, our warfighters and public safety officers (PSOs) would have readily accessible Hearing Protection Devices (HPDs) that protect them from high-level noise exposures while preserving auditory situation awareness (SA). The unfortunate reality is that many HPDs degrade auditory SA, so our Service Members (SMs) and PSOs must often make a deliberate choice when engaging in hearing-critical life-threatening tasks between 1) wearing a hearing protector and sacrificing some SA or 2) operating without hearing protection and risking a temporary shift in hearing thresholds, both of which may impact their performance during the mission. The latter choice may also result in permanent hearing damage, which could impact fitness for duty or make them less effective in future operations. Yet, many still choose to operate without hearing protection. Read more about this webinar here.

Moderator: Kathy Gates

Presenter: Benjamin Sheffield

Register Now
Seeking NHCA Director of Communication
We are seeking a Director of Communication (DOC) to finish out the current term ending in February 2025. This volunteer will be responsible for working with the Spectrum and e-News Editors, providing final approval for the newsletters and other communications, and Website content management. The DOC does not do this alone - this is a team effort and mentoring will be provided! If interested, please contact Elizabeth Masterson at [email protected].
Seeking NHCA Scholarship Foundation Director
We are looking for a new member of the NHCA Scholarship Foundation. This volunteer will enlist and review applications for our Conference, Research, and Tuition Awards, and will work with the NHCASF team to raise money for these three awards at each year’s conference.  If interested, please contact Marjorie Grantham at [email protected].
Recent Hearing Research

The Effects of Substance Misuse on Auditory and Vestibular Function: A Systematic Review. Chiao A, Hughes ML, Karimuddanahalli Premkumar P, Zoucha K. Ear Hear. 2023 Oct 3. doi: 10.1097/AUD.0000000000001425. Online ahead of print. PMID: 37784231
The physical and psychological effects of occupational noise among seafarers: a systematic review. Febriyanto K, Rahman FF, Guedes JCC. Int J Environ Health Res. 2023 Oct 11:1-13. doi: 10.1080/09603123.2023.2266703. Online ahead of print. PMID: 37820712 Review.
No accelerated 20-year hearing decline after occupational noise exposure has ceased: The HUNT study. Aarhus L, Molaug I, Engdahl B. Am J Ind Med. 2023 Oct 13. doi: 10.1002/ajim.23543. Online ahead of print. PMID: 37830428
Preventing Excessive Noise Exposure in Infants, Children, and Adolescents.
Balk SJ, Bochner RE, Ramdhanie MA, Reilly BK; COUNCIL ON ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND CLIMATE CHANGE; SECTION ON OTOLARYNGOLOGY–HEAD AND NECK SURGERY. Pediatrics. 2023 Oct 21:e2023063753. doi: 10.1542/peds.2023-063753. Online ahead of print. PMID: 37864408
Noise in Preschools and its Psychological and Cardiovascular Effect on Preschool Teachers. Brachtl S, Trimmel M. Noise Health. 2023 Jul-Sep;25(118):121-134. doi: 10.4103/nah.nah_11_23. PMID: 37815074
Effects of Genes, Lifestyles, and Noise Kurtosis on Noise-Induced Hearing Loss. Yin X, Li Z, Zhao T, Yang L. Noise Health. 2023 Jul-Sep;25(118):143-157. doi: 10.4103/nah.nah_65_22. PMID: 37815076

Sound Postcard– What is the Sound of Silence?

Years ago, a dear colleague and friend, Chuck Jokel, pointed out that our office environment was too quiet. Any phone call or conversation was heard across the cubicle jungle, reducing effective communications and focus. When we went to our workplace leadership with ambient office noise data, we were, literally, laughed at. Our bosses’ boss thought we were kidding, as we worked on engineering controls in DoD hearing conservation for a living. More and more, our research community is publishing on how silence may be used to effectively modify soundscapes to achieve the ideal noise composition for work, home, and recreational listening environments.
Learn more:

Welcome to our New NHCA E-News Editor
Please welcome Angela Anderson, ARNP, FNP-C, Family Nurse Practitioner, who will serve as our NHCA e-News editor beginning with our December issue. Marjorie Grantham will continue to serve as our Spectrum chief editor.
Members: Tell Us Your News!
Speaking, publishing, researching, performing, hearing? NHCA would love to hear about exciting changes and achievements in your professional and personal endeavors.
Click here to tell us your news!

Who is NHCA?

We are a group of passionate hearing conservationists willing to share their expertise to prevent hearing loss. NHCA members include occupational and clinical audiologists, industrial hygienists, occupational health nurses, acoustical engineers and technicians, physicians, occupational health and safety professionals, military personnel, university professors, students, researchers and others with an interest in hearing conservation. 

Visit the Virtual Marketplace Year-Round! 

Learn more about NHCA’s sponsors by accessing profiles, videos, and other helpful links here.

Our Vision: To prevent hearing loss and other auditory disorders due to noise and secondary environmental factors in all sectors of society.

Our Mission: NHCA provides leadership, expertise, and education on hearing loss prevention strategies and services to the broader professional community and empowers and supports members through networking and advocacy.

If you are not a member, click here and join today!
- Marjorie Grantham - Editor

Questions? Contact us at [email protected]